GUAAS Asia: Exploring the Potential of eVTOL


Ahead of GUAAS Asia, taking place in Singapore later this year, we take a look at the current status of the AAM market and the potential of eVTOLs.


What are eVTOLs?

Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing vehicles (eVTOLs) are the hottest talking point within the aviation industry right now, in particular within Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). With numerous companies involved in the race to design, develop and test their own creations and certification slowly appearing on the horizon, we are at an incredibly exciting point!


What are the benefits of eVTOL?

The main function of eVTOLs revolves around passenger transportation in and around major cities, providing an alternative to road taxis. Their use in the city environment could prove a popular move, by cutting down travel time on typically busy roads, and reducing overall emissions.

There is also potential for eVTOLs rooted in cargo and package deliveries, offering faster and more efficient services.


What is Advanced Air Mobility?

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a revolutionary air transport idea involving new aircraft designs and technologies, mirroring modern societal needs. The AAM market has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the aviation industry. Set to be worth over $36.9 billion by 2050 across the APAC region, the AAM market already has an abundance of incredible opportunity, rapid growth and exciting innovation for the future of flight, across the globe.

AutoFlight’s eVTOL, Prosperity 1, at Paris Air Show 2023


What are the challenges for eVTOL companies?

eVTOL companies are facing several challenges. Specifications vary from model to model, but a common problem amongst eVTOL designs is the need to keep the overall weight of the aircraft low. The requirement for more powerful and heavier batteries is putting constraints on potential passenger numbers, speed and ranges.

There are also challenges surrounding the construction of vertiports, where eVTOLs can take off, land and charge. Although they take up significantly less room than a conventional airport, companies will still need local support to build a big enough network of vertiports.

Lastly, and perhaps the biggest challenge right now, is that nobody is quite sure how long the certification process will take. We’re dealing with a brand-new type of aircraft and the timeline from certification, launch and finally operation is uncertain.


A more sustainable form of aviation?

The sustainability potential of eVTOLs is a major talking point across the aerospace sector. With the drive towards NetZero by 2050 and wider sustainability efforts across the transport industry, eVTOLs certainly could play a significant role. In theory, eVTOLs could ease congestion on the roads, decrease emissions and reduce noise pollution, having a huge impact on creating a greener, more sustainable future.


Will we see eVTOLs at the Paris Olympics?

Volocopter, who demonstrated its air taxi, VoloCity, at Paris Air Show 2023 are aiming to have public flights available at the Paris Olympics 2024, to aid visitors to travel within and around the city. Autoflight has also announced it is planning to run eVTOL flights at the Olympics after signing an MoU with Groupe ADP.

Volocopter’s eVTOL, Volocity, at Paris Air Show 2023


What’s Next?

Join the conversation at our upcoming event, GUAAS Asia, 27-28 September 2023, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore.

See the latest agenda here.

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