GUAAS Asia 2023: Topics Explored


Explore the key topics and discussions shaping the conference programme at this year's Global Urban & Advanced Air Summit (GUAAS) Asia.


Plenary 1
Asia Pacific: When will the AAM ‘Sleeping Tigers’ wake?

To kick start GUAAS Asia 2023, listen to world leading consultants providing expert knowledge and market analysis to understand the current AAM market in Asia. Gain first-hand insight from the organisations operating in this space, sharing challenges and solutions, and what government departments and city officials are doing to implement AAM growth.


Plenary 2
International Regulation

Global regulation and harmonising safety standards are critical to implementing AAM, leading to further consumer acceptance of eVTOLs. This plenary will hear from the global regulators debating the challenges and solutions in the industry, addressing the timeline for certification, and sharing best practises for efficient and effective eVTOL implementation. A must attend session for OEMS, Investors and Government representatives.


Plenary 3
Asia Pacific Industry Pioneers

The AAM market has seen exceptional innovations and pioneering technology emerge in an extremely short space of time and we are still in the very early stages of adopting this new and exciting sector. In this plenary you will hear from leading OEMS, sharing their own use cases, whilst also understanding perspectives from Airlines, operators, infrastructure, and Governments on the race to implementing eVTOL and the roadblocks they face.  


Plenary 4
Global Supply Chain

The global supply chain is crucial to rolling out eVTOL use, managing timeline expectations and scaling up production for various OEM orders. But how are they really going to do it? Listen to globally experienced organisations, as well as newly emerging aerospace companies on their future plans to rolling out smooth and efficient production.


Plenary 5
Con-Ops: Flying Safely and Securely

Safety is paramount across the entire aerospace sector, but AAM presents new safety risks and challenges to overcome. Understanding safety around autonomous eVTOLs, cyber security solutions and Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) are essential for securing public acceptance and consumer trust, and our line-up of industry experts will present the latest developments and thought leadership on these critical factors.


Plenary 6
Future Use Cases

AAM presents exciting opportunities for the future of flight, as well as aiding global sustainability targets and supporting other sectors such as international logistics, maritime and cargo. This plenary will dive into several future use cases, from OEMs providing travel and technology that benefits the greater good for urban and rural communities, to drone technology being implemented in small package delivery and what does it mean to the cargo and maritime sector on their logistic operations. This plenary is essential to organisations across the entire ecosystem, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.


Explore the full agenda to view more detail on specific keynote and panel sessions as well as speaker information.

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